Events 19.02.2019 Prof. Dietmar Hutmacher “Convergence of Guided Bone Regeneration Principles into Scaffold-Based Bone Tissue Engineering – From bench to bedside back to bench” SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2019 “Convergence…BIOFAB19. February 2019
Events 3.-7.2.2019, 9th Australien Colloid & Interface Symposium (ACIS), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia The SFB/TRR 225 will be represented at the 9th Australien Colloid & Interface Symposium (ACIS)…BIOFAB3. February 2019
Events 18.-20.9.2019 SFB/TRR 225 Symposium @ Werkstoffwoche Dresden Dieses Symposium widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig der Biofabrikation, thematisiert jedoch auch Beiträge zur additiven Fertigung…BIOFAB1. February 2019
Events 31.01.2019 CELLINK BIO X Installation and Indroduction in Erlangen The BioX 3D printer from Cellink was installed in the S2 Laboratory of the Department…BIOFAB31. January 2019
Events 21.01.2019 3D printing introduction for Würzburg Cellink Inkredible+ Training took place in Würzburg for new and advanced user. 1) General overview…BIOFAB21. January 2019
Events 21.-25.01.2019 Engineering students from University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, visit the Institutes of Biomaterials Erlangen and Bayreuth On 21-25 January 2019 Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini (Head, Institute of Biomaterials, and Chair, FAU…BIOFAB21. January 2019
Events 21.01.2019 Prof. Dr. J. Barbara Nebe “Cell attractive design of material surfaces – effects of topography and chemistry” SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2019 “Cell…BIOFAB14. January 2019
Events 12.12.2018 Prof. Dr. Heinz Redl “Highlights of the Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration” SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2018 "Highlights…BIOFAB12. December 2018
Events 10.12.2018 Prof. Sandra Van Vlierberghe “Biopolymer-based platforms tailored towards biofabrication” Speaker: Prof. Sandra Van Vlierberghe, Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry, Ghent University, Belgium Date:…BIOFAB10. December 2018
Events 04.-06.12.2018 Second Closed Meeting 2018 of the SFB/TRR 225 The second SFB/TRR 225 closed meeting 2018 took place in Kloster Banz. The 2nd SFB/TRR…BIOFAB4. December 2018