Events 05.02.2020 SFB/TRR 225 Seminar “Extrusion-based Bioprinting of Photo-crosslinkable Bioinks” Dr. Liliang Ouyang SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2020 "Extrusion-based…BIOFAB5. February 2020
Events 25.11.2019 SFB/TRR 225 Seminar “3D printing of biopolymers: from scientific research to a case report” Dr. Beatriz Araoz SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2019 “3D…BIOFAB25. November 2019
Events 06.11.2019 SFB/TRR 225 Seminar “Polyurethane-based materials for tissue regeneration” Dr. Matthias Schnabelrauch SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2019 "Polyurethane-based…BIOFAB6. November 2019
Events 04.11.2019 SFB/TRR 225 Seminar „Cells in soft porous materials“ Christine Selhuber‐Unkel, Prof. Dr. SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2019 „Cells…BIOFAB4. November 2019
Events 19.10.2019 SFB/TRR 225 was present at the “Long Night of the Sciences” in Erlangen. Researchers of TRR225 in Erlangen based at the Institute of Biomaterials of University of Erlangen-Nuremberg…BIOFAB19. October 2019
Events 16.10.2019 SFB/TRR 225 Seminar “Alginate-based microcapsules for immunoprotection of transplanted pancreatic cells: the next generation of diabetes treatment” Dr.-Ing. Igor Lacík SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2019 "Alginate-based…BIOFAB16. October 2019
Events 7.10.2019 Workshop “Kommunizieren heißt scheitern” "Warum scheitert unsere Kommunikation? Warum hören wir anderen manchmal nicht richtig zu, warum haben wir…BIOFAB7. October 2019
Events 3.10.2019 “Maus-Türöffnertag” in Erlangen Maus-Türöffnertag 2019: Public relation activity at the Institute of Biomaterials On 3rd of October (German…BIOFAB3. October 2019
Events 26.09.2019 SFB/TRR 225 Seminar “From haploid stem cells to blood vessel engineering” Prof. Dr. Josef Penninger Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Josef Penninger “From haploid stem cells to blood vessel engineering” Director, Life…BIOFAB26. September 2019