EventsNews Childrens University Bayreuth: 19.06.17: Vortrag für die Kinder “Natürlich spitze! Bio-Tricks für Technik-Freaks.” 20.06.18: Vortrag für die Eltern “Der Kampf ums Über(arbeitete)leben” Die Kinderuni in Bayreuth ist jedes Jahr ein großes Event. In einem Auswahlverfahren haben interessierte…Alice Rein20. June 2018
Events 19.06.2018 Dr. John G. Hardy “Stimuli-responsive Polymer-Based Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications” Speaker: Dr. John G. Hardy, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science Institute ,Lancaster University, Lancaster,…BIOFAB19. June 2018
Events 14.06.2018 Prof. Dr. Dorothea Brüggemann “Fibrous biopolymer scaffolds for controlling cellular interactions“ Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dorothea Brüggemann, Emmy Noether research group leader, Institute for Biophysics (FB1), University…BIOFAB14. June 2018
Events 03.-04.05.2018 First Closed Meeting of the SFB/TRR 225 The first Closed Meeting of the SFB/TRR 225 took place on 3–4 May 2018 at…BIOFAB3. May 2018
Events 31.01.2018 CRC/TRR225 Kick-Off Meeting The kick-off meeting of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) TRR225: “From the fundamentals of biofabrication…BIOFAB31. January 2018