The first SFB/TRR 225 Klausurtagung 2019 took place in Kloster Banz:
On the first day (25th March) mentorship talks took place. All TRR 225 members were allowed to join these talks, even if they do not belong to the subproject or mentorship, thereby enriching these meetings.
Subprojects A03, A04, B01, B02, B03, B04, B08, C01 and C02 presented their progress to all TRR 225 members on the 26th and 27th March 2019. All other subprojects had their presentations in the mentorship meetings only.
On the 26th March 4 potential new members presented themselves to the audience and joined thereafter the SFB/TRR 225 as new members. We welcome Prof. Sabine Fischer (Würzburg), Dr. Natascha Schäfer (Würzburg), Prof. Matthias Weiss (Bayreuth) and Dr. Thomas Gruhn (Bayreuth).
Interesting talks took place on our hiking tour to Basilika Vierzehnheiligen and all members had the opportunity of hearing an organ concert given in the Basilika Vierzehnheiligen by Susanne Heid (PhD student project B03).
On the 27th March was time for further information, discussions and the remaining joint presentations took place.