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Z03 | Fluorescent reporter cells for live-cell imaging in biofabrication

TP Z03 provides all sub projects in the TRR225 reporter cells and systems, which make stress conditions of the cells measurable during the printing process, as well as in the maturing biofabricates. Using lentiviral fluorescence-based reporter constructs and cells, the (molecular) responses of different cell types will be analyzed as a function of the applied biomaterials, printing conditions, matrix stiffness, etc.

Prof. Dr. Anja K. Bosserhoff

Jessica Schirmer

Previous education: Biological-technical  assistant
Academic Advisor within SFB TRR225: Prof. Dr. Anja Bosserhoff
Location: Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Department of Biochemistry
Topic of project: Fluorescent reportercells for live-cell imaging of biofabricates
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Cell Culture, Cloning, Lenti-Viral-Transduction, Bioprinting



Antonelli Y, Krüger R, Buehler A, Monavari M, Fuentes-Chandía M, Colombo F, Palmisano R, Boßerhoff AK, Kappelmann-Fenzl M, Schödel J, Boccaccini AR, Selhuber-Unkel C, Letort G, Leal-Egaña A. When Mechanical Stress Matters. Generation of Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells in Tumor-Like Microcapsules. Adv. Funct. Material doi:10.1002/adfm.202311139 (2024).  (C03, Z03)

Lämmerhirt L, Kappelmann‑Fenzl M, Fischer S, Meier P, Staebler S, Kuphal S, Bosserhoff AK. Loss of miR-101-3p in melanoma stabilizes genomic integrity, leading to cell death prevention. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, doi: 10.1186/s11658‑024‑00552‑2 (2024). (Z03)

Lamberger Z, Schubert DW, Buechner M, Chicaiza Cabezas N, Schrüfer S, Murenu N, Schaefer N, Lang G. Advanced optical assessment and modeling of extrusion bioprinting. Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-64039-y (2024). (A07, Z03)

Reineke B, Paulus I, Löffelsend S, Yu C-H, Hazur J, Röder J, Hauschild S, Boccaccini AR, Groll J, Förster S. On-chip fabrication and in-flow 3D-printing of microgel constructs: from chip to scaffold materials in one integral process. Biofabrication doi:10.1088/1758-5090/ad3318 (2024). (A06, A01, B06, Z03)

Schmid R, Schmidt SK, Schrüfer S, Schubert DW, Heltmann-Meyer S, Schicht M, Paulsen F, Horch RE, Bosserhoff AK, Kengelbach-Weigand A, Arkudas A: A vascularized in vivo melanoma model suitable for metastasis research of different tumor stages using fundamentally different bioinks; Materials Today Bio 26 (2024) 101071; doi: 10.1016/j.mtbio.2024.101071 (2024). (A07, C03, C04, Z03)

Schipka R, Heltmann-Meyer S, Schneidereit D, Friedrich O, Röder J, Boccaccini AR, Schrüfer S, Schubert DW, Horch RE, Bosserhoff AK, Arkudas A, Kengelbach-Weigand A, Schmid R: Characterization of two different alginate-based bioinks and the influence of melanoma growth within. NaturePortfolio, Scientific Reports (2024). (C03, A01, A07, B08, C04, Z03)

Staebler S, Rottensteiner-Brandl U, El Ahmad Z, Kappelmann-Fenzl M, Arkudas A, Kengelbach-Weigand A, Bosserhoff AK, Schmidt SK. Transcription factor activating enhancer-binding protein 2ε (AP2ε) modulates phenotypic plasticity and progression of malignant melanoma. Cell Death Dis doi: 10.1038/s41419-024-06733-3 (2024). (C03, Z03)

Prof. Dr. Anja Bosserhoff

  • Member of the German Council of Science and Humanities, since Feb 2021 Chair of the Scientific Commission of the German Council of Science and Humanities
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Wilhelm Sander Foundation
  • Senator of the FAU (Chair of the Senate)
  • Member of the DFG’s Standing Senate Commission on Basic Questions in Clinical Research
  • Member of the DFG Standing Senate Commission on Animal Experimental Research
  • Chairwoman of the Sofie Wallner Foundation
  • Founder and Board Member of the Society of Melanoma Research (SMR)
  • Board member of the European Society of Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)