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Z02 | Quantitative imaging and analysis of biofabricate quality and maturation

The new project Z02 will develop and provide standardized methods for acquiring, processing, and evaluating imaging data for the entire TRR/SFB, starting off with selected model systems in project areas B and C. In particular, solutions for sample chambers and (fluorescence) imaging, e.g. customized light-sheet microscopy, as well as image data processing and analysis, tuned for the special demands of biofabricates, will be key. Cross-validation of complementary imaging modalities in the three involved laboratories will allow for establishing robust and versatile approaches for the entire collaborative research center.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss
Prof. Dr. Katrin G. Heinze
Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich 

Julian Bauer

Previous academic education: Master-Thesis
Academic Advisor within SFB TRR225: Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich
Location: FAU-Erlangen, Institute of Medical Biotechnology
Topic: Label-free optical maturation assessment of biofabricated tissue constructs in bioreactor environments tailored for biofabrication.
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: MPM, CAD-design, 3D-printing (FDM, SLS), cell culture, bioreactor process engineering, software development (Python)


Joachim Schenk

Previous academic education: Diplom Ingenieur (FH)

Academic Advisor within SFB TRR225: Prof. Dr. Katrin Heinze
Location: Julius-MaximiliansUniversität Würzburg, Rudolf Virchow CenterCenter for Integrative and Translational Bioimaging
Topic: Support of home-built Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM).
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Sample admission and sample optimization, Taking care of our home-built microscopes and the needed adaptions to the needs of our collaborators, Planning and constructing a new LSFM, Imaging / data collection of the samples of our collaborators with the existing microscopes, Pre-processing of the data and its quality assurance, Sample and data management of the large files



Ascheid D, Baumann M, Pinnecker J, Friedrich M, Szi-Marton D, Medved C, Bundalo M, Ortmann V, Öztürk A, Nandigama R, Hemmen K, Ergün S, Zernecke A, Hirth M, Heinze KG, Henke E. A vascularized breast cancer spheroid platform for the ranked evaluation of tumor microenvironment-targeted drugs by light sheet fluorescence microscopy. Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48010-z. (2024). (Z02)

Kellnberger R, Jüngst T, Gekle S. Novel lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of strongly shear thinning viscoelastic fluids. Int J Numer Meth Fluids. doi: 10.1002/fld.5335 (2024). (B07, B09, Z01)

Krolinski A, Sommer K, Wiesner J, Friedrich O, Vielreicher M. Optimized Method of 3D Scaffold Seeding, CellCultivation, and Monitoring Cell Status for Bone Tissue Engineering. Cell Viability Assays: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-3052-5_30 (2024). (Z02)

Murenu N, Kasteleiner M, Lamberger Z, Tuerker E, Theis K, Jablonka S, Hemmen K, Schenk J, Heinze KG, Villmann C, Lang G, Schaefer N. Impact of Polymorphic Microfibers for Establishment of Neuronal Model. Nano Select, doi:10.1002/nano.202400122 (2024) (A07,B07, C05, Z02)

Schneidereit D, Bauer J, Mnuskina S, Nübler S, Cacciani N, Mühlberg A, Kreiss L, Ritter P , Sebastian Schürmann S, Larsson L, Friedrich O. CAS3D: 3D quantitative morphometry on Second Harmonic Generation image volumes from single skeletal muscle fibers. Computers in Biology and Medicine, doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108618 (2024). (B08, Z02)

Wiessler A-L, Hasenmüller A-S, Fuhl I, Mille C, Cortes Campo O, Reinhard N, Schenk J, Heinze KG, Schäfer N, Specht C, Villmann C. Role of the glycine receptor beta subunit in synaptic localization and pathogenicity in severe startle disease. J Neurosci doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.0837-23.2023 (2024). (C05, Z02)


Esser TU, Anspach A, Muenzebrock KA, Kah , Schrüfer S, Schenk J, Heinze KG, Schubert DW, Fabry B, Engel FB. Direct 3D-Bioprinting of hiPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes to Generate Functional Cardiac Tissues. Advanced Materials, doi: 10.1002/adma.202305911 (2023). (C01, Z02, A07, A01, C02)

Kahl M, Schneidereit D, Meinert C, Bock N, Hutmacher DW, Friedrich O, A fluorescence-based opto-mechatronic screening module (OMSM) for automated 3D cell culture workflows, Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X 14 (2023). (B08 (Z02))

Mühlberg A, Ritter P, Langer S, Goossens C, Nübler S, Schneidereit D, Taubmann O, Denzinger F, Nörenberg D, Haug M, Schürmann S, Horstmeyer R, Maier AK, Goldmann WH, Friedrich O, Kreiss L. SEMPAI: a Self-Enhancing Multi-Photon Artificial Intelligence for Prior-Informed Assessment of Muscle Function and Pathology. Adv Sci (2023). doi: 10.1002/advs.202206319. (Z02)

Polley C, Distler T, Scheufler C, Detsch R, Lund H, Springer A, Schneidereit D, Friedrich O, Boccaccini AR, Seitz H, 3D printing of piezoelectric and bioactive barium titanate-bioactive glass scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, Materials Today Bio doi:10.1016/j.mtbio.2023.100719  (2023). (Z02 (B08))

Rederer A, Rose V, Krüger R, Schmittutz L, Swierzy I, Fischer L, Thievessen I, Bauer J , Friedrich O , Schiffer M, Müller-Deile J. Partner, Neighbor, Housekeeper and Dimension: 3D versus 2D Glomerular Co-Cultures Reveal Drawbacks of Currently Used Cell Culture Models. International Journal of Molecular Science (2023). doi: 10.3390/ijms241210384. (C06, Z02)

Sommer KP, Krolinski A, Mirkhalaf M, Zreiqat H, Friedrich O, Vielreicher M, Protocol for Cell Colonization and Comprehensive Monitoring of Osteogenic Differentiation in 3D Scaffolds Using Biochemical Assays and Multiphoton Imaging, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(3) (2023). (B08)

Wiessler AL, Hasenmüller AS, Fuhl I, Mille C, Cortes Campo O, Reinhard N, Schenk J, Heinze KG, Schaefer N, Specht CG, Villmann C. Role of the glycine receptor ß subunit in synaptic localization and 4 pathogenicity in severe startle disease. J. Neurosci., doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0837-23.2023 (2023). (A07, C05, Z02)


Kara A, Distler T, Polley C, Schneidereit D, Seitz H, Friedrich O, Tihminlioglu F, Boccaccini AR, 3D printed gelatin/decellularized bone composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: Fabrication, characterization and cytocompatibility study, Materials Today Bio 15 (2022). (B08, Z02)

Kratzer S, Arkudas A, Himmler M, Schubert DW, Schneidereit D, Bauer J, Friedrich O, Horch RE, Cai A, Vascularization of Poly-epsilon-Caprolactone-Collagen I-Nanofibers with or without Sacrificial Fibers in the Neurotized Arteriovenous Loop Model, Cells 11(23) (2022). (A07, Z02)

Ryma M, Genc H, Nadernezhad A, Paulus I, Schneidereit D, Friedrich O, Andelovic K, Lyer S, Alexiou C, Cicha I, Groll J, A print-and-fuse Strategy for Sacrificial Filaments Enables Biomimetically Structured Perfusable Microvascular Networks with Functional Endothelium Inside 3D Hydrogels, Adv Mater doi:10.1002/adma.202200653  (2022) e2200653. (B02, B08, A06)

Ritter P, Cai A, Reischl B, Fiedler M, Prol G, Frie B, Kretzschmar E, Michael M, Hartmann K, Lesko C, Salti H, Arkudas A, Horch R, Paulsen F, Friedrich O, Haug M, MyoBio: An automated bioreactor system technology for standardized perfusion-decellularization of whole skeletal muscle, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng PP (2022). (B08, C04)


Oliver Friedrich, Michael Haug, Paul Ritter
BiofabT(R)onics –A short Story about Everything Biofabrication needs
University of Wollongong, IPRI (Host: Gordon Wallace) on 24th August 2023        Z02


Ivana Jeremic, Julian Bauer, Joachim Schenk, Oliver Friedrich, Matthias Weiss, Katrin Heinze
SFB/TRR 225 Project Z02: Quantitative imaging and analysis of biofabricate quality and maturation
Symposium “Biofabrication meets Infection” Würzburg on 25-28- September 2022               Z02

Oliver Friedrich
Bioprinting of micro-vasculature for Tissue Engineering: Truth or Dare?
Invited Seminar presentation 31.08.2022 Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI), Sydney, Australia

Oliver Friedrich (zoom)
Tissue Regeneration 4.0 – ‘Rise of the Machines’
Invited Seminar presentation 05.07.2022 University Rostock, Fraunhofer IZI, HOGEMA lecture


Hsuan-Heng Lu, Jessica Faber, Anahita Ahmadi Soufivand, Julian Bauer, Emine Karakaya, Rainer Detsch, Oliver Friedrich, Silvia Budday, Aldo R. Boccaccini
ADA-GEL bioink system with tailored oxidation degree of ADA for biofabrication approaches
Annual Meeting of the German society for Biomaterials (DGBM) 2023 on 14th September 2023              B03, B09, B06, Z02


Julian Bauer, Ivana Jeremic, Joachim Schenk
SFB/TRR225 Project Z02: Quantitative imaging and analysis of biofabricate quality and maturation
Symposium “Biofabrication meets Infection” Würzburg on 25-28- September 2022      Z02

Julian Bauer, Ivana Jeremic, Joachim Schenk, Oliver Friedrich, Matthias Weiss, Katrin Heinze
SFB/TRR 225 Project Z02: Quantitative imaging and analysis of biofabricate quality and maturation
Symposium “Biofabrication meets Infection” Würzburg on 25-28. September 2022               Z02

Flexible transparente Bioreaktorkammer zur optischen 4D-Bioanalytik von Gewebekonstrukten
Inventors: Julian Bauer (Z02), Oliver Friedrich (Z02), Christian Lesko, Dominik Schneidereit, Paul Ritter, Dirk Wolfram Schubert (A07), Siegfried Werne; Application number: DE 10 2024 207 351.2, applicant FAU

Bioreaktor zur 3D-Geweberegeneration von Skelettmuskulatur (‚Tissue Regenerator‘)
Inventors: Oliver Friedrich (B08, Z02) Paul Ritter, Michael Haug
Application number DE 10 2021 211 875, applicant FAU

“Vorrichtung zur automatisierten koaxialen Mikroextrusion von Biomaterial-Hohlfilamenten”
Inventors: Christian Lesko, Daniel Gilbert, Oliver Friedrich
Application number: 10 2022 203 033.8, applicant FAU

Extrusionsvorrichtung, Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Hohlstruktur und Verwendung einer Extrusionsvorrichtung
Inventors: Christian Lesko, Oliver Friedrich, Daniel F Gilbert
DPMA Patents Nr. 10 2022 203 033

Dominik Schneidereit

Previous academic education: Master of Science
Academic Advisor within SFB TRR225: Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich
Location: FAU-Erlangen, Institute of Medical Biotechnology
Topic: Neuartige optomechatronische Kombinationstechnologien im Cardio-muskulären Umfeld für Medizin und Lebenswissenschaften
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Multi photon light sheet microscopy, Optics simulation, 3D CAD and CAM, FFF printing


Prof. Dr. Katrin Heinze

  • Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty for Research Data Management, JMU Würzburg
  • Vice-Dean of the Graduate School of Life Sciences, JMU Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich

Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss

  • Editorial Board Member New Journal of Physics (IOP/DPG)