Esra Tuerker, Jessica Faber, Mateo S. Andrade Mier, Nicoletta Murenu, Philipp Stahlhut, Gregor Lang, Silvia Budday, Natascha Schaefer, Pamela Strissel, Reiner Strick, Carmen Villmann
Understanding cell-matrix interactions between primary neurons and breast tumor cells in a brain-like 3D microenvironment
3 Bs Materials 2024 International Conference, Sevilla, Spain in March 2024
Mateo S. Andrade Mier, Torsten Blunk, Carmen Villmann
Glioma and Native CNS cells Co-culture in Ultraweak Hydrogels: Cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions
Gottingen Neuroscience meeting 2023 on 22nd March 2023
Mateo S. Andrade Mier, Joachim Schenk, Katrin G. Heinze, Torsten Blunk, Carmen Villmann
Glioblastoma multiforme cells generate functional cell-cell interactions with native CNS cells in 3D in vitro ultra soft hydrogels
Neuroscience 2023 SFN on 13th November 2023
Raymund Horch, Harald Wajant, Isabell Lang, Yvonne Kulicke
SFB/TRR 225 Project C05: Ultraweak hydrogels for molecular and biological functional analyses of cell-matrix and cell-cell 3D networks in neuronal cell culture systems
Symposium “Biofabrication meets Infection” Würzburg on 25-28- September 2022 C05
Mateo Andrade Mier
Scaffold design and matrix composition affect the cellular morphology of native glial cells and glioma cells IVM_008
Meeting of The International Society for Biofabrication 2022, Montecatini Terme (Italy) on 25-28- September 2022 https://www.biofabrication2022.org/ C05
Janzen D, Bakirci E, Wieland A, Strissel PL, Strick R, Dalton PD, Villmann C (2019)
Neuronal Networks in 3D Matrix Composites
30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials in tandem with the 26thAnnual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM); September 9 to 13, 2019 (Dresden, Germany)
Bakirci E, Dahri O, Ceballos E, Hrynevich A, Groll J, Schäfer N, Villmann C, Dalton PD(2019)
Design and Development of a Melt Electrowritten in vitro Radial Migration Assay
TeRMIS European Chapter Meeting 2019 27th-31st May 2019, Tissue Engineering Therapies: From Concept to Clinical Translation & Commercialisation (Rhodes, Greece)
Janzen D, Schaefer N, Bakirci E, Dalton PD, Strissel PL, Villmann C (2018)
3D Electrophysiology in Matrix Composites
Annual Conference of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF), 28 – 31 October 2018 (Würzburg, Germany)
Wieland A, Janzen D, Bakirci E, Schäfer N, Strissel PL, Strick R, Villmann C, Dalton P (2018)
Ultra-soft Matrix Composites for 3D Neuroglia in vitro Research
Summer School “3D Printing Technologies”, 16 – 20 Jul 2018 (Würzburg, Germany)