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B07 | Development of a micro particle sensor system to establish correlations between mechanical stress and cell functionality during biofabrication

Hydrodynamic forces during printing can cause enduring damage to living cells, their strength is however largely unknown. Here we will develop sensor particles (microcapsules, microgels) which in combination with computer models will close this knowledge gap. The sensor particles will give insight into the mechanical deformation while the closely corresponding simulations will allow us to calculate resulting mechanical stresses. Finally, by comparing with living cells we will be able to establish correlations between deformation, stress and cell damage during bioprinting.

Dr. Krystyna Albrecht
Prof. Dr. Stephan Gekle
Prof. Dr. Georg Papastavrou

Katinka Theis

Previous academic education:  B.Sc. Chemistry,  M.Sc. Chemistry both at JMU Würzburg
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Dr. Krystyna Albrecht, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Groll
Location: University of Würzburg, Department for Functional Materials in Medicine and Dentistry
Topic of thesis: „Development of a microparticle sensor system for mechanical force sensing“
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Microfluidics, Synthesis and characterization of Liposomes, Microgels, Lipobeads, Bioprinting


Twitter: During #bioprinting processes, cells can get damaged. In our @SFB_TRR225 project B07 we investigate the role of mechanical stress for this cell damage.

@katinka_theis develops cell-mimicking mechanosensitive sensor particles by using droplet microfluidics

Steffen Trippmacher

Previous academic education: M.Sc. in Chemistry: “Combining QCM and AFM to study S-Layer-Formation”
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Prof. Dr. Georg Papastavrou
Location: University of Bayreuth, Physical Chemistry II
Topic of thesis: „Nanomechanics of Biomaterials“
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Static and Dynamic AFM, Microfluidics


Richard Kellnberger

Previous academic education: M.Sc. in experimental physics “Thickness measurements on thin films”
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Prof. Dr. Stephan Gekle
Location: University of Bayreuth, Theoretical Physics VI
Topic of thesis: Computational model of cell deformation during biofabrication
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Lattice-Boltzmann-Immersed-Boundary simulations


Paul Markus

Previous academic education: M. Sc. In Chemistry at UBT: “Nanodielectric Spectroscopy in the Time Domain”
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Prof. Dr. Georg Papastavrou
Location: University of Bayreuth, Physical Chemistry II
Topic of thesis: „Development of new electrical characterization techniques on the nanoscale “
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: nano-Rheology, electrical AFM (CAFM, KPFM, nDS)



Kellnberger R, Jüngst T, Gekle S. Novel lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of strongly shear thinning viscoelastic fluids. Int J Numer Meth Fluids. doi: 10.1002/fld.5335 (2024). (B07, B09, Z01)

Lutz J, Yu Y, Wolf A-K, Beilhack A, Groll J, Albrecht K. Impact of Surface Functionality on Biodistribution of Gold Nanoparticles in Silkworms. Adv. NanoBiomed Res., doi: 10.1002/anbr.202200146 (2024). (A06, B07, B08)

Murenu N, Kasteleiner M, Lamberger Z, Tuerker E, Theis K, Jablonka S, Hemmen K, Schenk J, Heinze KG, Villmann C, Lang G, Schaefer N. Impact of Polymorphic Microfibers for Establishment of Neuronal Model. Nano Select, doi:10.1002/nano.202400122 (2024) (A07,B07, C05, Z02)

Sprenger L, Lu H-H, Trippmacher S, Mansfeld U, Milkin P, Ionov L, Papastavrou G, Boccaccini AR, Salehi S. Composite Alginate Dialdehyde-Gelatin (ADA-GEL) Hydrogel Containing Short Ribbon-Shaped Fillers for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Biofabrication. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c10751 (2024). (B03, B07, A08)

Wohlrab S, Müller S, Gekle S. Mechanical complexity of living cells can be mapped onto simple homogeneous equivalents. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112253 (2024). (B07)


Pantawane S, Mueller S, Gekle S, Effect of particle insertion on Poly(3-hexylthiophene) brush’s π-π stacking, Computational Materials Science 226 (2023). (B07)


Brand JS, Forster L, Bock T, Stahlhut P, Tessmar J, Groll J, Albrecht K, Covalently Crosslinked Pig Gastric Mucin Hydrogels Prepared by Radical-based Chain-Growth and Thiol-ene Mechanisms, Macromol Biosci doi:10.1002/mabi.202100274  (2022) e2100274. (B07, A02, A06)

Gerum R, Mirzahossein E, Eroles M, Elsterer J, Mainka A, Bauer A, Sonntag S, Winterl A, Bartl J, Fischer L, Abuhattum S, Goswami R, Girardo S, Guck J, Schrufer S, Strohlein N, Nosratlo M, Herrmann H, Schultheis D, Rico F, Muller SJ, Gekle S, Fabry B, Viscoelastic properties of suspended cells measured with shear flow deformation cytometry, Elife 11 (2022). (A01, A07, B07)


Muller SJ, Weigl F, Bezold C, Bacher C, Albrecht K, Gekle S, A hyperelastic model for simulating cells in flow, Biomech Model Mechanobiol 20(2) (2021) 509-520. (B07)

Horvat S, Yu Y, Manz H, Keller T, Beilhack A, Groll J, Albrecht K, Nanogels as Antifungal‐Drug Delivery System Against Aspergillus Fumigatus, Advanced NanoBiomed Research 1(5) (2021) 2000060. (B07, B08)

Bächer C, Graessel K, Gekle S, Rayleigh–Plateau instability of anisotropic interfaces. Part 2. Limited instability of elastic interfaces, J. Fluid Mech. 910 (2021) A47. (B07)


Muller SJ, Mirzahossein E, Iftekhar EN, Bacher C, Schrufer S, Schubert DW, Fabry B, Gekle S, Flow and hydrodynamic shear stress inside a printing needle during biofabrication, PLoS One 15(7) (2020) 0236371. (B07, A01, A07)

Lehmann M, Muller SJ, Gekle S, Efficient viscosity contrast calculation for blood flow simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method, Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 92(11) (2020) 1463-1477. (B07)

Bacher C, Bender M, Gekle S, Flow-accelerated platelet biogenesis is due to an elasto-hydrodynamic instability, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 117(32) (2020) 18969-18976. (B07)


Neubauer JW, Hauck N, Mannel MJ, Seuss M, Fery A, Thiele J, Mechanoresponsive Hydrogel Particles as a Platform for Three-Dimensional Force Sensing, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 11(29) (2019) 26307-26313. (B07)

Daddi-Moussa-Ider A, Kurzthaler C, Hoell C, Zottl A, Mirzakhanloo M, Alam MR, Menzel AM, Lowen H, Gekle S, Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elastic boundary: Implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer near an elastic interface, Phys. Rev. E 100(3-1) (2019) 032610. (B07)

Bacher C, Gekle S, Computational modeling of active deformable membranes embedded in three-dimensional flows, Phys. Rev. E 99(6-1) (2019) 062418. (B07)


Nait-Ouhra A, Guckenberger A, Farutin A, Ez-Zahraouy H, Benyoussef A, Gekle S, Misbah C, Lateral vesicle migration in a bounded shear flow: Viscosity contrast leads to off-centered solutions, Phys. Rev. Fluids 3(12) (2018) 123601. (B07)


Sebastian Wohlrab, Sebastian Müller, Stephan Gekle
Mechanical complexity of living cells can be mapped onto simple homogeneous equivalents
DPG Spring meeting, Berlin on March 2014                    


Stephan Gekle
Predicting cell stress and deformation at the exit of a printing needle ISM_004
Meeting of The International Society for Biofabrication 2022, Montecatini Terme on 25-28- September 2022            B07


Müller SJ, Gekle S (2021)
Numerical investigation of cell stress and deformation during Bioprinting
Annual workshop of the Franco-German Doctoral School, 23rd Sep 2021 (virtual)

Müller SJ, Gekle S (2021)
Numerical investigation of cell stress and deformation during Bioprinting
Biofabrication 2021 Online Conference, 27th to 29th Sep 2021 (virtual)


Bezold C, Bächer C, Gekle S. (2018)
Simulations of stem cells in microjets
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), DPG Spring Meeting Berlin, March 11 – 16, 2018 (Berlin, Germany)


Clara Gremmelspacher, Stephan Gekle
An analytical theory of the influence of a cell nucleus on cell deformation
DPG Spring meeting, Berlin on March 2014                    


Katinka Theis, Steffen Trippmacher, Richard Kellnberger, Krystyna Albrecht, Georg Papastavrou, Stephan Gekle
SFB/TRR 225 Project B07: Mechanically defined sensor particles for bioprinting
Symposium “Biofabrication meets Infection” Würzburg on 25-28- September 2022  B07

Richard Kellnberger, F. Häusl, M. Lehmann, Stephan Gekle
Modelling internal cell structure for bioprinting processes
DPG       B07

Katinka Theis
Mechanosensitive sensor particles for bioprinting processes NTB_037
Meeting of The International Society for Biofabrication 2022, Montecatini Terme (Italy) on 25-28- September 2022    B07


Müller SJ, Bezold C, Gekle S (2019)
Numerical Investigation of Cell Deformation during Bioprinting Processes
Annual workshop of the Franco-German Doctoral School, University of Bayreuth, 30th Sep and 1st Oct 2019 (Bayreuth, Germany)

Herbig J, Shan J, Jüngst T, Albrecht K, Groll J (2019)
Microgel based bioinks
30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials in tandem with the 26thAnnual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM); September 9 to 13, 2019 (Dresden, Germany)

Müller SJ, Bezold C, Gekle S (2019)
Numerical Investigation of Cell Deformation during Bioprinting Processes
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, 31 March – 5 April 2019, (Regensburg, Germany)


Müller S, Gekle S. (2018)
Multiple-relaxation-time Lattice Boltzmann Implementation of Non-Newtonian Fluids
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), DPG Spring Meeting Berlin, March 11 – 16, 2018 (Berlin, Germany)

Sebastian Müller

Previous academic education: M. Sc. in Physics: “Simulation of Stem Cells in Shear Thinning Bioinks”
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Prof. Dr. Stephan Gekle
Location: University of Bayreuth, Theoretical Physics VI
Topic of thesis: Computational estimate of cell damage in bioprinting processes
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Lattice Boltzmann Simulations, Immersed-Boundary method, Shear thinning fluid models, different cell models


Johannes Herbig

Previous academic education: Master Funktionswerkstoffe 2016
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Dr. Krystyna Albrecht
Location: University of Würzburg, Department for Functional Materials in Medicine and Dentistry
Topic of thesis: „Mikrofluidische Herstellung polymerer Mikrogele und Mikrokapseln für die Biofabrikation“
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Microfluidics, Layer-by-layer coating


Jessica Brand

Previous academic education: 2015, Bachelor in Chemistry: Pikosekunden-zeitaufgelöste Photoionisation von 1,8-Naphthalimid,2017, Master in Chemistry: Synthese und Charakterisierung von Donor- und Akzeptor-substituierten Porphyrinen
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Dr. Krystyna Albrecht
Location: University of Würzburg, Department for Functional Materials in Medicine and Dentistry
Topic of thesis: „Comparison of different synthesized microgels for biofabrication“
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Chemical synthesis, Emulsion technique, Microfluidic, 3D printing


Dr. Krystyna Albrecht

Prof. Dr. Stephan Gekle

Prof. Dr. Georg Papastavrou

• Member of the Board of the Bavarian Centre for Battery Technology
• Chairman of the local chapter of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)
• Coordinator of the Keylab Surface and Interface Characterisation, Bavarian Polymer Institute at the University of Bayreuth