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B03 | Printing of biofabricate and customized bioreactors for skeletal muscle tissue

The aim of subproject B03 is the development of different composite bioinks with ion-releasing (bioreactive) particles and electrically conductive fillers for the bioprinting of skeletal muscle tissue.

Basically, synergistic stimulation of cells and cell growth through electrical and biochemical factors for the formation of highly mature muscle tissue will be investigated in vitro. For this purpose, a bioreactor with complex structure and functionalities will be designed and fabricated using additive manufacturing, which will be tissue-specific and will enable the electromechanical stimulation of skeletal muscle tissue.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Aldo R. Boccaccini
PD Dr. Sahar Salehi-Müller
Prof. Dr. Frank Döpper

Hsuan-Heng Lu

Previous academic education: M.Sc. in Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP)

Academic Advisor at SFB/TRR 225: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini
Location: Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute of Biomaterials
Topic of thesis: Bioprinting of composite hydrogels for muscle tissue regeneration
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Bioprinting, hydrogel processing, spectroscopy, microscopy, mechanical tests, rheology, ion release studies, cell culture


Lys Sprenger

Previous academic education: Master Thesis at Fraunhofer IFAM
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: PD Dr. Sahar Salehi-Müller
Location: University of Bayreuth, Department of biomaterials, Faculty of Engineering
Topic of thesis: Biofabrication of 3D cellular complex structures for tissue engineering application
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: 3D-printing, cell culture assays, tensile strength, rheology, SEM, FTIR


Johann Schorzmann

Previous academic education: Master of Science in studies for industrial engineering at University of Bayreuth
Master thesis: „ Lightweight design with topology optimization for a endless fibre reeinforced hybrid part manufactured by additive manufacturing and injection molding“
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Prof. Dr.-Ing Frank Döpper
Location: University of Bayreuth, Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology
Topic of thesis: Electrical conductivity in polymer based additive manufacturing for sensor application
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Additive Manufacturing (polymer powder based, Dispenser and Materialextrusion), Measuring devices for actor and sensor evaluation



Ege D, Lu H, Boccaccini AR. Bioactive Glass and Silica Particles for Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Tissue Regeneration. TISSUE ENGINEERING. doi: 10.1089/ten.teb.2023.0277 (2024). (B03)

Gensler M, Malkmus C, Ockermann P, Möllmann M, Hahn L, Salehi S, Luxenhofer R, Boccaccini AR, Hansmann J. Perfusable Tissue Bioprinted into a 3D-Printed Tailored Bioreactor System. Bioengineering, doi: 10.3390/bioengineering11010068 (2024). (A03, B03)

Sprenger L, Lu H-H, Trippmacher S, Mansfeld U, Milkin P, Ionov L, Papastavrou G, Boccaccini AR, Salehi S. Composite Alginate Dialdehyde-Gelatin (ADA-GEL) Hydrogel Containing Short Ribbon-Shaped Fillers for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Biofabrication. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c10751 (2024). (B03, B07, A08)


Gruhn T, Ortiz-Monsalve C, Salehi S, Structure formation of rod-like fillers in a contraction flow, Physics of Fluids doi:10.1063/5.0143006  (2023). (B03)

Gruhn T, Ortiz-Monsalve C, Müller C, Heid S, Boccaccini AR, Salehi S. Fabrication of hydrogel-based composite fibers and computer simulation of the filler dynamics in the composite flow. Bioengineering. doi:10.3390/bioengineering10040448. (2023) (B03)

Khadem E, Kharaziha M, Salehi S, Colorimetric pH-responsive and hemostatic hydrogel-based bioadhesives containing functionalized silver nanoparticles, Mater Today Bio 20 (2023) 100650. (B03)

Schorzmann, Gerstl, Tan, Sprenger, Lu, Taumann, Wimmer, Boccaccini, Salehi-Müller, Döpper. Materials Screening Methodology for additive manufacturing in bioreactor technology. (2023) International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium on 15th August 2023. (B03)

Schulik J, Salehi S, Boccaccini AR, Schrüfer S, Schubert DW, Arkudas A, Kengelbach-Weigand A, Horch RE, Schmid R, Comparison of the Behavior of 3D-Printed Endothelial Cells in Different Bioinks, Bioengineering 10(7) (2023). (C03, A07, C04, B03)

Vaghela R, Arkudas A, Gage D, Korner C, von Horsten S, Salehi S, Horch RE, Hessenauer M, A Novel Window into Angiogenesis-Intravital Microscopy in the AV-Loop-Model, Cells 12(2) (2023). (B03, C03, C04)


Apsite I, Salehi S, Ionov L, Materials for Smart Soft Actuator Systems, Chem Rev 122(1) (2022) 1349-1415. (B03)

Vaghela R, Arkudas A, Gage D, Korner C, von Horsten S, Salehi S, Horch RE, Hessenauer M, Microvascular development in the rat arteriovenous loop model in vivo-A step by step intravital microscopy analysis, J Biomed Mater Res A doi:10.1002/jbm.a.37395 (2022). (B03, C04)

Bider F, Karakaya E, Mohn D, Aldo R, Boccaccini, Advantages of nanoscale bioactive glass as inorganic filler in alginate hydrogels for drug delivery and biofabrication, European Journal of Materials 2(1) (2022) 33-53. (B03)

Heid S, Becker K, Byun J, Biermann I, Neščáková Z, Zhu H, Groll J, Boccaccini AR, Bioprinting with bioactive alginate dialdehyde-gelatin (ADA-GEL) composite bioinks: Time-dependent in-situ crosslinking via addition of calcium-silicate particles tunes in vitro stability of 3D bioprinted constructs, Bioprinting doi:10.1016/j.bprint.2022.e00200  (2022). (B03, A01, A06)


Apsite I, Salehi S, Ionov L, Materials for Smart Soft Actuator Systems, Chem Rev doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00453  (2021). (B03)

Uribe-Gomez J, Posada-Murcia A, Shukla A, Ergin M, Constante G, Apsite I, Martin D, Schwarzer M, Caspari A, Synytska A, Salehi S, Ionov L, Shape-Morphing Fibrous Hydrogel/Elastomer Bilayers Fabricated by a Combination of 3D Printing and Melt Electrowriting for Muscle Tissue Regeneration, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 4(2) (2021) 1720-1730. (B03)

Reakasame S, Dranseikiene D, Schrüfer S, Zheng K, Schubert DW, Boccaccini AR, Development of alginate dialdehyde-gelatin based bioink with methylcellulose for improving printability, Mat Sci Eng C-Mater doi:10.1016/j.msec.2021.112336  (2021) (B03, A07)

Heltmann-Meyer S, Steiner D, Muller C, Schneidereit D, Friedrich O, Salehi S, Engel FB, Arkudas A, Horch RE, Gelatin methacryloyl is a slow degrading material allowing vascularization and long-term usein vivo, Biomed Mater 16(6) (2021). (B03, B08, C01, C04)

Uribe-Gomez J, Posada-Murcia A, Shukla A, Ergin M, Constante G, Apsite I, Martin D, Schwarzer M, Caspari A, Synytska A, Salehi S, Ionov L, Shape-Morphing Fibrous Hydrogel/Elastomer Bilayers Fabricated by a Combination of 3D Printing and Melt Electrowriting for Muscle Tissue Regeneration, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 4(2) (2021) 1720-1730. (B03)

Mueller C, Trujillo-Miranda M, Maier M, Heath DE, O’Connor AJ, Salehi S, Effects of External Stimulators on Engineered Skeletal Muscle Tissue Maturation, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 8(1) (2021) 2001167. (B03)

Hessenauer MET, Vaghela R, Korner C, von Horsten S, Pobel C, Gage D, Muller C, Salehi S, Horch RE, Arkudas A, Watching the vessels grow – establishment of intravital microscopy in the AV-loop rat model, Tissue Eng Part C Methods doi:10.1089/ten.TEC.2021.0024  (2021). (C04, B03)

Farasatkia A, Kharaziha M, Ashrafizadeh F, Salehi S, Transparent silk/gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) fibrillar film for corneal regeneration, Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl 120 (2021) 111744. (B03)

Constante G, Apsite I, Alkhamis H, Dulle M, Schwarzer M, Caspari A, Synytska A, Salehi S, Ionov L, 4D Biofabrication Using a Combination of 3D Printing and Melt-Electrowriting of Shape-Morphing Polymers, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 13(11) (2021) 12767-12776. (B03)

Cai FF, Heid S, Boccaccini AR, Potential of Laponite(R) incorporated oxidized alginate-gelatin (ADA-GEL) composite hydrogels for extrusion-based 3D printing, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., Part B doi:10.1002/jbm.b.34771 (2021) 1 – 15. (B03)


Salehi S, Koeck K, Scheibel T, Spider Silk for Tissue Engineering Applications, Molecules 25(3) (2020) 737. (B03, C01)

Russell CS, Mostafavi A, Quint JP, Panayi AC, Baldino K, Williams TJ, Daubendiek JG, Hugo Sánchez V, Bonick Z, Trujillo-Miranda M, Shin SR, Pourquie O, Salehi S, Sinha I, Tamayol A, In Situ Printing of Adhesive Hydrogel Scaffolds for the Treatment of Skeletal Muscle Injuries, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 3(3) (2020) 1568-1579. (B03)

Heid S, Boccaccini AR, Advancing bioinks for 3D bioprinting using reactive fillers: A review, Acta Biomater 113 (2020) 1-22. (B03)

Gensler M, Leikeim A, Mollmann M, Komma M, Heid S, Muller C, Boccaccini AR, Salehi S, Groeber-Becker F, Hansmann J, 3D printing of bioreactors in tissue engineering: A generalised approach, PLoS One 15(11) (2020) 0242615. (B03)

Apsite I, Constante G, Dulle M, Vogt L, Caspari A, Boccaccini AR, Synytska A, Salehi S, Ionov L, 4D Biofabrication of fibrous artificial nerve graft for neuron regeneration, Biofabrication 12(3) (2020) 035027. (B03)

Aigner TB, Haynl C, Salehi S, O’Connor A, Scheibel T, Nerve guidance conduit design based on self-rolling tubes, Mater Today Bio 5 (2020) 100042. (C01, B03)


Wicklein VJ, Singer BB, Scheibel T, Salehi S, Chapter 17 – Nanoengineered biomaterials for corneal regeneration, Micro and Nano Technologies (2019) pp. 379-415. (B03)

Schwedhelm I, Zdzieblo D, Appelt-Menzel A, Berger C, Schmitz T, Schuldt B, Franke A, Muller FJ, Pless O, Schwarz T, Wiedemann P, Walles H, Hansmann J, Automated real-time monitoring of human pluripotent stem cell aggregation in stirred tank reactors, Sci. Rep. 9(1) (2019) 12297. (B03)

Ostrovidov S, Salehi S, Costantini M, Suthiwanich K, Ebrahimi M, Sadeghian RB, Fujie T, Shi X, Cannata S, Gargioli C, Tamayol A, Dokmeci MR, Orive G, Swieszkowski W, Khademhosseini A, 3D Bioprinting in Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering, Small 15(24) (2019) 1805530. (B03)

Distler T, Ruther F, Boccaccini AR, Detsch R, Development of 3D Biofabricated Cell Laden Hydrogel Vessels and a Low-Cost Desktop Printed Perfusion Chamber for In Vitro Vessel Maturation, Macromol. Biosci. 19(9) (2019) 1900245. (B06, A01, B03)

Apsite I, Uribe JM, Posada AF, Rosenfeldt S, Salehi S, Ionov L, 4D biofabrication of skeletal muscle microtissues, Biofabrication 12(1) (2019) 015016. (B03)


Steiner D, Lingens L, Fischer L, Kohn K, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR, Fey T, Greil P, Weis C, Beier JP, Horch RE, Arkudas A, Encapsulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves Vascularization of Alginate-Based Scaffolds, Tissue Eng Part A 24(17-18) (2018) 1320-1331. (C03, C04, A01, B06, B03) Front Cover for Tissue Engineering Part A


Sahar Salehi
Regenerative materials and therapeutics for the treatment of skeletal muscle tissue injuries
Invited Talk at ETH Zurich, April 2023. (ETH Distinguished Lecture in “Engineering with Living Materials”, a cycle of lectures hosted by Prof. Katzschmann, and Prof. Muller in ETH) on 3rd March 2023

Schorzmann, Gerstl, Tan, Sprenger, Lu, Taumann, Wimmer, Boccaccini, Salehi-Müller, Döpper
Materials Screening Methodology for additive manufacturing in bioreactor technology
2023 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium on 15th August 2023

Lys Sprenger, H. Lu, A. Boccaccini, S. Salehi-Muller
ADA-GEL composite ink containing anisotropic fillers for skeletal muscle cells
ISBF Biofabrication 2023 on 19th September 2023


Sahar Salehi-Müller
Regenerative materials and therapeutics for the treatment of soft tissue injuries
invited talk Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, May 2022                                B03

Heid Susanne
ADA-GEL-BIF composite bioinks: Development, characterization, rheological modelling, 3D bioprinting and dynamic perfusion in an inline printed bioreactor B&B_092
Meeting of The International Society for Biofabrication 2022, Montecatini Terme (Italy) on 25-28- September 2022                          B03

Sahar Salehi-Müller
Hydrogel-based biomimetic films for corneal stroma engineering
Sicca Förderpreise, DOG Congress, Berlin, 29.09-02.10.2022                                B03

Sahar Salehi, K.S. Koeck, Martin Humenik, Thomas Scheibel
Continuous non-crosslinked collagen fibers as building blocks of the musculotendinous junction
MSE congress                   B03, C01, A08


Heid S, Becker K, Byun J, Lu HH, Boccaccini AR (2021)
Advanced modification of alginate dialdehyde-gelatine composite bioinks with bioactive inorganic fillers for 3D bioprinting approaches
31st Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB 2021), 5 to 9 September 2021 (B03)


Trujillo Miranda M, Müller C, Salehi S (2020)
Effect of external stimulus on biofabricated skeletal muscle microtissues
11th World biomaterials congress WBC 2020 11 – 15 December 2020 — Web conference

Russell CS, Mostafavi A, Quint JP, Panayi A, Udeh K, Williams TJ, Daubendiek JG, Sánchez VH, Bonick Z, Trujill-Miranda M, Ryon Shin S, Pourquie O, Salehi S, Sinha I, Tamayol A (2020)
In situ printing of gelatin-based scaffolds for the treatment of muscle injuries
World biomaterials congress WBC 2020 Glasgow 11 – 15 December 2020 – Web conference

Heid S, Lu HH, Venkatraman A, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR (2020)
Evaluating the 3D Printaility of ADA-GEL-based Composite Bioinks
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), 22 – 25 September 2020 – Web conference

Salehi, S (2020)
Application of micro/nano scale substrates for skeletal muscle tissue regeneration
8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2020) 9 – 13 February 2020, Bisbane, Australia


Detsch R, Hazur J, Karakaya E, Kuth S, Heid S, Boccaccini AR (2019)
Evaluating three different extrusion-based bioprinting systems using cell-laden alginate-based bioinks
30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials in tandem with the 26thAnnual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM); September 9 to 13, 2019 (Dresden, Germany)

Trujillo Miranda M, Uribe J, Apsite I, DeSimone E, Salehi S, Ionov L (2019)
Fabrication of tubular structure to mimic the osteon structure
30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials in tandem with the 26thAnnual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM); September 9 to 13, 2019 (Dresden, Germany)

Heid S, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR (2019)
New Alginate-Based Composite Bioinks for Enhanced 3D Bioprinting
TERMIS EU Workshop 2019, August, 26 to 27 2019, (Nantes, France)

Salehi S (2019)
Mimicking the osteon structure by biofabrication techniques
TERMIS European Chapter Meeting 2019 27th-31st May 2019, Rhodes, Greece Tissue Engineering Therapies: From Concept to Clinical Translation & Commercialisation

Salehi S, Kharaziha M, Ionov L, Scheibel T. (2019)
Composite ink development from bioceramic nanoparticles for bone tissue regeneration
9th biennial Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium (ACIS) 3 – 7 February 2019 (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia)


Boccaccini AR (2018)
Bioinks containing reactive fillers in biofabrication approaches
Invited presentation at West Pomeranian University of Technology, 22 November 2018 (Szczecin, Poland)

Boccaccini AR (2018)
Bioactive Materials and Biofabrication for Biomedical Applications: Progress and Challenges
Invited speaker at Scientific Workshop 2018, Rostock University Medicine (Universitätsmedizin Rostock), 16 November 2018 (Rostock, Germany)

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Bioactive materials and biofabrication for tissue engineering: achievements and challenges”
Invited presentation at Polytechnic School (Escuela Politecnica Superior, EPS), University of Seville, 31st October 2018 (Seville, Spain).

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Development of composite bioinks incorporating bioreactive inorganic particles
Invited presentation at: International Conference on Biofabrication (ISBF) 2018, 28-31 October 2018 (Würzburg, Germany).

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Biofabrication with alginate di-aldehyde / gelatin (ADA/GEL) hydrogels: progress, applications and challenges,
Oral presentation at: Biomaterials and Novel Technologies for Healthcare, 2nd International Biennial Conference BioMaH, Frascati, 8-11 October, 2018 (Rome, Italy).

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Bioactive materials and biofabrication for tissue engineering applications.
Invited seminar at: CONICET Laboratory of Integration of Cellular Signals at the Institute for Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Cuyo (UNCUYO), 27th August 2018 (Mendoza, Argentina).

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Bioactive materials and biofabrication for bone and soft tissue engineering,
Invited lecture at: Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Medical School, 19th July 2018 (Giessen, Germany).

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Bioactive materials and biofabrication for tissue engineering: progress and challenges.
Invited speaker at: Junior EUROMAT 2018 Conference, 8-12 July 2018 (Budapest, Hungary).

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Enhancing alginate based bioinks for biofabrication: the composites approach,
Invited speaker at: 1st TERMIS-EU Workshop on “3D Printing in Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering”, 22-23 March 2018 (Warsaw, Poland).

Boccaccini A. (2018)
Bioactive materials and biofabrication approaches for hard tissue regeneration,
Invited speaker at: 2nd Sino-German Symposium on Reconstruction and Repair of Musculoskeletal Tissues, Mainz University Medical Center, 13-14 March 2018 (Mainz, Germany).


Sven Heilig
Novel Bioreactor for multilayer nd multi fluid perfusionof channels inside hydrogels
DGBM Jena on 14th September 2023

Hsuan-Heng Lu, Jessica Faber, Anahita Ahmadi Soufivand, Julian Bauer, Emine Karakaya, Rainer Detsch, Oliver Friedrich, Silvia Budday, Aldo R. Boccaccini
ADA-GEL bioink system with tailored oxidation degree of ADA for biofabrication approaches
Annual Meeting of the German society for Biomaterials (DGBM) 2023 on 14th September 2023              B03, B09, B06, Z02

Hsuan-Heng Lu, Clara Froidevaux, Isabell Biermann, Aldo R. Boccaccini
Biofabrication of oxidized alginate-gelatin (ADA-GEL) based structures incorporating ion releasing nanoparticles for tissue engineering applications
European society of Biomaterials (ESB) conference 2023 on 4th September 2023


Johann Schorzmann, Lys Sprenger, Hsuan-Heng Lu, Sahar Salehi, Aldo Boccaccini, Frank Döpper
SFB/TRR 225 Project B03: Printing of biofabricates and customized bioreactors for skeletal muscle tissue (B03)
Symposium “Biofabrication meets Infection” Würzburg on 25-28- September 2022  B03

Hsuan-Heng Lu , Aldo R. Boccaccini
Advances in the design of composite inks based on ADA-GEL and bioactive inorganic fillers
Meeting of The International Society for Biofabrication 2022, Montecatini Terme (Italy) on 25-28. September 2022                   B03

Hsuan-Heng Lu
Advances in the design of composite bioinks based on ADA- GEL and bioactive inorganic fillers B&B_036
Meeting of The International Society for Biofabrication 2022, Montecatini Terme (Italy) on 25-28. September 2022                   B03


Müller C, Salehi S (2020)
Fabrication of support structures for 3D bioprinting skeletal muscle cells
World biomaterials congress WBC 2020 Glasgow, 11 – 15 December 2020 – Web conference

Müller C, Gensler M, Heid S, Boccaccini AR, Detsch R, Hansmann J, Salehi S (2020)
Simultaneous printing of biofabricates and tailored bioreactors
5th Bioinspired Materials 2020 Conference, 16 – 19 March 2020 – Web conference


Karakaya E, Hazur J, Teßmar J, Boccaccini AR, Detsch R (2019)
How to Determine a Suitable Sodium Alginate for the Fabrication of Standardized Alginatedialdehyde-Gelatin crosslinked Hydrogels in Biofabrication Approaches?
Annual Conference of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF), 20-22 October 2019 (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Heid S, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR (2019)
Is There an Optimum in the Design of Alginate-Based Composite Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting Regarding the Filler Concentration?
Annual Conference of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF), 20-22 October 2019 (Columbus, Ohio, USA)

Heid S, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR (2019)
Alginate-Based Composite Bioinks for 3D Biofabrication
30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials in tandem with the 26thAnnual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM); September 9 to 13, 2019 (Dresden, Germany)

Salehi S (2019)
Electrospun Stimuli-Responsive Mats for Muscle Tissue Regeneration
TeRMIS European Chapter Meeting 2019 27th-31st May 2019, Tissue Engineering Therapies: From Concept to Clinical Translation & Commercialisation (Rhodes, Greece)


Detsch R, Boccaccini AR (2018)
Advances in Biomaterials for Biofabrication: 3D Printing with Bioinks
“Tag der Technischen Fakultät” of the FAU Erlangen 16 November 2018 (Erlangen, Germany)

Salehi S, Ionov L, Scheibel T (2018)
Bioactive Composite Ink for Bone Tissue Regeneration
Annual Conference of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF), Würzburg, Germany, on 28-31 October, 2018.

Gensler M, Komma M, Heid S, Detsch R, Salehi S, Boccaccini AR, Hansmann J (2018)
Bioreactor concepts for simultaneous printing of bioreactor and tissue equivalent
Annual Conference of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF), 28-31 October 2018 (Würzburg, Germany)

Claudia Müller

Previous academic education: Diploma thesis
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Dr. Sahar Salehi
Location: University of Bayreuth, Department of biomaterials, Faculty of Engineering
Topic of thesis: Simultaneous printing of biofabricated constructs and bioreactors: composite bioinks for regenerative approaches (skeletal muscle tissue)
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Soft-printing, rheology, mechanical tests, spectroscopy, microscopy and cell culture.


Marius Gensler

Previous academic education: Master (Biology)
Academic Advisor within SFB/TRR 225: Dr.-Ing. Jan Hansmann
Location: University of Würzburg, Department Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Topic of thesis: Simultaneous printing of bioreactor and tissue (working title)
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: In Silico Simulations, Cell Culture, 3D Printing, Bioreactor Handling


Susanne Heid

Previous academic education: Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology, Master of Science in Nanotechnology – passed with distinction: “Tissue Plasminogen Activator Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Targeted Fibrin Clot Dissolution”
Academic Advisor at SFB/TRR 225: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Dr. Rainer Detsch (technical advisor)
Location: Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute of Biomaterials
Topic of thesis: Simultaneous printing of biofabricated constructs and bioreactors: composite bioinks and non-degradable polymers for regenerative approaches
Main techniques and methodologies to be used: Hard and soft printing, mechanical studies, rheology, spectroscopy, microscopy, cell culture


Poster prize at the 30`the ESB/26`the DGBM Conference in Dresden from 09`th -13`th September 2019

Prof. Dr. Aldo R. Boccaccini

  • Side-Speaker Erlangen of the SFB/TRR 225 “From the foundations of biofabrication to functional tissue models”, DFG
  • Member of the Advisory Committee, Department of International Scientific Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of Argentina
  • Expert Reviewer for funding agencies, e.g. Swiss National Science Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), UK EPSRC, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, etc.
  • Founder and Chair of ECI’s International Conference Series on “Electrophoretic Deposition”.
  • Editor-in-Chief, Materials Letters (Elsevier)
    Founder and Editor-in-Chief, journal: Biomedical Glasses (De Gruyter)
  • Elected member for the Council of the European Society for Biomaterials
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the following international journals: “Advances in Applied Ceramics”, “Journal of Biomaterials Applications”, “Adv. Eng. Mater.”, “J. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine” (Wiley), “Interceram”, “Recent Patents on Engineering”, “Recent Patents on Materials Science, “J. Mater. Proc. Technol.”, “Adv. Eng. Materials “J. Mater. Sci.”, “Int. Mater. Reviews”, “Scientific Reports” (Nature Publishing Group)

Dr. Sahar Salehi-Müller

  • Reviewer of Dutch Research Council (NWO), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), OeAD Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education, Austria, and New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF), Canada
  • Faculty Women’s Representative Engineering Sciences, University of Bayreuth
  • Supervisor of the online mentoring programme CyberMentor
  • Member TERMIS (Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society)
  • Member of American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • Member ESB (European Society for Biomaterials)
  • Member of the elite study programme Macromolecular Science; University of Bayreuth
  • Member of the Bayreuth-Melbourne Colloid/Polymer Network (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service).
  • Member of the Qualifying Examination Board of the international degree programme Biofabrication at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bayreuth
  • Member of the SFB/TRR225 Equality Borad

Prof. Dr. Frank Döpper

  • Director of the Research Center for Additive Innovations – Campus Additive Innovations (CA.I), University of Bayreuth