The Committee on State Budget and Financial Affairs of the Bavarian State Parliament granted the official building permission for the CPL (=”Center of Polymers for Life”) research building at the University of Würzburg, which is unique in Germany, in its meeting on July 14, 21. The four-story building, which will cost around €30 million, will be financed in equal parts by the federal government and the state of Bavaria. Starting in 2024, the building will house approximately 80 coworkers on 1000 m2 of laboratory space and 500 m2 of office space, which will be used by researchers from a wide range of disciplines (chemistry, medicine, materials science, biology, computer science and engineering). The goal is to make 3D printing useful not only for medical device technology, but also for the build up of living human tissues. Construction will begin this year with an official groundbreaking ceremony on Oct. 25th and will be completed in just under three years.