Maus-Türöffnertag 2019: Public relation activity at the Institute of Biomaterials
On 3rd of October (German Unity Day) 70 children aged 6-12 years visited the laboratories of the Institute of Biomaterials. At this nationwide “door opener day” of the very famous TV series _“Sendung mit der Maus”(►https://www.wdrmaus.de/ ), PhD students and researchers involved in the _Collaborative Research Centre SFB / TRR 225 ( ►https://trr225biofab.de/de/) and the Institute of Biomaterials explained to the interested young visitors the 3D printing of biomaterials, the microscopy of cells and tissues as well as plaster casting. All children were able to visit 3 stations, with the highlights being the independent weighing and working with ceramic powders, the 3D printers and the microscopes. Parents waited patiently for about 90 minutes for their interested children, who could get a very nice insight into the laboratory routine of biomaterials research.