Hosted by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (Biomaterials, FAU), the latest TRR225 online seminar took place on 27th May. Speaker was Prof. Heidi Declercq, Tissue Engineering Lab, Department of Development and
Regeneration, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, who presented the talk:
“Biofabrication of soft and vascularized tissues by bioprinting”.
The seminar attracted more than 80 participants.
SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2021
“Biofabrication of soft and vascularized tissues by bioprinting”
Prof. Heidi Declercq
Tissue Engineering Lab, Department of Development and Regeneration, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven
27th May 2021 – 16.00 h
In ZOOM platform (link to be provided in advance)
Despite decades of progress, tissue engineering remains severely hampered by the incompetence to generate complex histoarchitectural features including vascular networks.
The biofabrication of 3D biomimetic tissue analogs, which accurately mimic the properties of native tissue samples, have an enormous potential in biomedical applications (drug discovery, cancer research, regenerative medicine,…).
Strategies to engineer tissues can be categorized in top-down, scaffold-based approaches and bottom-up, developmental biology inspired approaches. The 3D bioprinting of spheroids is ideally positioned to overcome many obstacles of top-down engineering since it allows the directed assembly of microtissues that resemble the target tissue structurally and functionally.
Hybrid bioprinting, combining both scaffold-based and developmental biology-based tissue engineering will have a synergistic effect on the fabrication of 3D tissue analogs. Cellular building blocks with self-assembling properties and mimicking the tissue of interest are combined with cell instructive biomaterials. The cellular building blocks are either tissuespecific and/or vascularized.
High quality building blocks were already generated that form tissue-specific cellular building blocks ((fibro)cartilage, bone, adipose tissue, muscle,…). The vascularized spheroids are providing the capillary like network. 3D bioprinting of spheroids in photocrosslinkable hybrid hydrogels was performed and the tunable characteristics of smart biomaterials can influence outgrowth, fusion and phenotype of the spheroids.
Guests are welcome!
Host: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini