In the framework of the SFB TRR 225 our PhD representatives Stephan Altmann (B05), Susanne Heid (B03) and Claudia Müller (B03) organized this year’s PhD symposium “Publications – How to improve and connect them” on 26.11.2020.
The first part was a webinar about “Visual Communication” by Dr. Jernej Zupanc which involves a “Figure
Session” in which the speaker gave feedback about submitted figures, that are in use for currently prepared publications.
It was a great and fruitful workshop. The way the speaker used the chat was really clever to motivate people getting active. Even the more experienced students could take a lot home (for instance the Hue model). Some students will now improve their figures which should be a promising and nice feedback for the workshop.
The second part starting at 2.30 pm includes a) short presentations (1 min/person) about publications which are
currently prepared by every student and b) subsequential discussions in small groups about potential cooperations
concerning the ongoing publications in breakout rooms.
Schedule for the symposium:
9 am – 12.30 pm Opening + Interactive Lecture “Visual Communication” (small breaks included)
12.30 pm – 1 pm Lunch Break
1 pm – 2 pm Figure Session
2 pm – 2.30 pm Coffee Break
2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Publication Presentations
3.30 pm – 4 pm Group Discussions (Breakout Rooms)
4 pm – Open End Continued Discussions (optional)