SFB/TRR 225 „From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” Seminar Series 2019
“Tissue spheroids as building blocks in biofabrication and 3D bioprinting”
Vladimir Mironov MD, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, 3D Bioprinting Solutions, Moscow, Russia and
Leading Researcher, Institute for Regenerative Medicine,Sechenov Moscow Medical University, Moscow, Russia
06th March 2019 – 4 pm
Location Würzburg: University of Würzburg, Röntgenring 11, Hörsaal A222, 2nd floor
Location Bayreuth: University Bayreuth, Universitätsstraße 30, Besprechungsraum/FAN D/D.1.25, Lehrstuhl Biomaterialien
Location Erlangen: Ulrich‐Schalk‐Straße 3, Seminar Room. Building II, Institute of Biomaterials
Guests are welcome!
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Groll
Contact: juergen.groll@fmz.uni‐wuerzburg.de
Organ printing could be defined as a robotic automated additive biofabrication of 3D tissues and organs using tissue spheroids and biomaterials (hydrogel based bioink) according to digital model. The three main advantages of using tissue spheroids as building blocks in bioprinting and biofabrication include: i) maximal possible cell density; iii) round shape suitable for bioprocessing and iii) intrinsic capacity of tissue spheroid for tissue fusion. Tissue spheroids (chondrospheres) are already used in clinical practice starting from 2008 by German biotech company “Co.don” (> 14000 cases) with success rate 75% for treatment cartilage defects. Enabling platform technology for 3D bioprinting of human endocrine organs using tissue spheroids will be presented. New innovative concept of formative biofabrication using magnetic, acoustic and magneto‐acoustic fields as a new type of scaffold‐like temporal and removable support (so‐called “scaffield”) will be presented including results of first successful magnetic levitational bioassembly of 3D tissue constructs at The International Space Station in the condition of microgravity using tissue spheroids (chondrospheres and thyrospheres) as building blocks. Finally, the indispensable role of biomaterials in any type of novel biofabrication technology will be discussed.